Rousselet, Gilles (1610-86; French), after Titian (1485/90-1576; Italian)
Jesus Christ descendu de la Croix est porté au Sepulchre…[Entombment of Christ] c.1675
Gift of George Collins Levey 1879
National Gallery of Victoria (p.183.21-1)
= Levey gift, cat.14
This large-scale engraving was folded in half in bound albums of the Cabinet du Roi series. It is listed in both NGV 1894 and 1905, identified in each case as by Rousselet after Titian.
Titian’s painting, dated to c.1520 (Louvre) or c.1526-32 (Wethey), was purchased by Louis XIV in 1662. Formerly in the Gonzaga collection in Mantua, it was later owned by Charles I of England (1628-49). See also Longstaff after Titian Entombment of Christ {1889} NGV [PA].
NGV 1894, p.109 (V.Buvelot Gallery, 2nd bay, no.47); NGV 1905, p.123 (V.Buvelot Gallery, 2nd bay, no.36)
Listed in the NGV catalogue as by an unknown engraver after Titian (with reproduction as shown here). Cf. Suite et Arrangement (1727), p.1; Duplessis Cabinet du roi (1869), p.6, no.2; and for another impression, see christ.htm (reproduced)
For Titian’s painting, see Louvre cat.II (1981), p.246 (Inv.749): as bought from Jabach in 1662