Lucas, David (1802-81; English), after Lee, Frederick (1798-1879; English)
A River scene in Devonshire (1839)
Gift of John Pascoe Fawkner, 1868
National Gallery of Victoria (p.180.13-1)

The artists responsible are identified in the inscriptions below the image.

Lucas is best known for his mezzotints after John Constable, of which the NGV holds a considerable collection, acquired through the Felton Bequest in 1970. For Lee, see linked artist entry.


Not listed in NGV 1894 or NGV 1905 

The NGV catalogue reproduces this work, listing it as by an unknown engraver after Lee

For Lucas, see AKL 85 (2015), pp.427-28; Bénézit 8, p.1313; and (citing the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography); and for his mezzotints after Constable, see e.g.