Works donated to the pre-Felton collection by Goold
* Unknown (19C Italian?) Italian Boy and Cat {1867} Loc? [PA]
* Unknown (19C Italian?) Martyrdom of St Sebastian {1867} Loc? [PA]
Goold was the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Melbourne (1848-74) and then Archbishop of Melbourne (1874-86). He was instrumental in the commencement of building work on St Patrick’s Cathedral (1858ff.; designed by William Wardell).
See also Schoenfeld after Michelangelo The Crucifixion {1868} NGV [PR] (dedicated to Goold); and Sadd Catholic hierarchy in Australia 1869 {1870} SLV [PR] (including his portrait).
For further information on Goold, see (biography by J.Grigsby, published in ADBvol.4, 1972)