Chasteau, Guillaume (1635-83; French), after Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665; French)
Le Ravissement de saint Paul [St Paul lifted up] (1671)
Gift of George Collins Levey 1879
National Gallery of Victoria NGV (p.183.37-1)

= Levey gift, cat.19

The source picture (Louvre Inv.7288) was painted for the writer Paul Scarron in 1649-50. It is a variant of a work Poussin painted for Chantelou in 1643 (now in the Ringling Museum, Sarasota).

Chasteau was paid 650 livres for the plate in October 1671. 


Not listed in NGV 1894 or 1905 

See (not reproduced; as by an unknown engraver) Cf. Suite et arrangement (1727), p.1 (St Paul au troisieme ciel…); and Duplessis Cabinet du roi (1869), p.6, no.20, noting the payment to Chasteau on 31 Oct.1671.

For Poussin’s painting, see Louvre cat.IV (1986), p.143: as bought in 1665 from the Duc de Richelieu; and for the Sarasota version, purchased in 1956, see e.g. (accessed 10 August 2019)