Bisson, Louis-Auguste (1814-76; French) & Bisson, Auguste-Rosalie (1826-1900; French)
Albums included in this catalogue
Baldus & Bisson frères France and Belgium {1860-61} SLV [PH]
Bisson frères Switzerland and America {1860} SLV [PH]
Louis-Auguste Bisson was a pioneer of photography, opening his Paris studio in 1841; later, he was joined by his younger brother.
Their 1850s-60 photographs of Mont Blanc are particularly famous, and in 1860 they were hired to accompany Napoleon III and the Empress Eugenie on a trip to the Savoy Alps in Switzerland.
Further photos by Bisson frères, of Notre-Dame, were included in * Lassus & Viollet-le-Duc Notre-Dame de Paris 1856 {1859} Loc? [IB].
For further details and reproductions of examples, see e.g. and (websites accessed 5 Nov.2020)