Gruner, Ludwig (1801-82; German), after Raphael (1483-1520; Italian)
Conversion of Saul 1864
Acquired by 1894
Present location unknown

This print and * Gruner after Raphael Martyrdom of St Stephen 1867 {by 1894} Loc? [PR], are described in NGV 1894 and 1905 as after lost cartoons by Raphael

They are identified in inscriptions (on impressions held elsewhere) as engraved for the Arundel Society from the Vatican tapestries woven from cartoons formerly belonging to the famous series now at Hampton Court.

For Gruner, see linked artist entry.

[comparative photo: Wellcome Society impression of Gruner’s engraving]


NGV 1894, p.110 (V.Buvelot Gallery, 2nd bay, no.54); NGV 1905, p.124 (V.Buvelot Gallery, 2nd bay, no.43) 

For the Vatican tapestry, see e.g.; and further references cited under the St Stephen print (link noted above). For the impression reproduced above, see (accessed 23 March 2020)