Waller, Samuel Edmund (1850-1903; English)
Jealous 1875
Oil on canvas, 49.3 x 64.2 cm
Purchased, 1875 (advice of Archibald Michie and Charles Gavan Duffy)
National Gallery of Victoria (p.305.2-1)

Like Schenck Anguish {1879} NGV [PA] and Rivière Deer Stealers 1875 {1876} NGV [PA] – but in a lighter vein – this painting correlates animal and human emotions.

The painting was shown at the RA in 1875, and purchased on the advice of two eminent Victorians who saw it there. Unfortunately, the paint surface now appears to have deteriorated considerably.

Waller worked as an illustrator with The Graphic, and also exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy. An 1877 painting (Home?) was apparently formerly in the collection of the AGNSW.


AR 1875, p.38; NGV 1894, p.82 (IV.McArthur Gallery, no.37); NGV 1905, p.93 (III.McARthur Gallery, no.42; noting the advice of Michie and Duffy) [£50]

The NGV catalogue provides further details on the work’s history. For the artist, see Bénézit  14, p.590 (listing this work); and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Edmund_Waller (mentioning the painting formerly in Sydney – not listed in the AGNSW’s current catalogue)

For Michie, see linked entry; for Duffy, see * Summers (Charles) Sir Charles Gavan Duffy {1877} Loc? [SC]