Works included in this catalogue
Gritten View on Jackson’s Creek 1866 {1866} NGV [PA]
Gritten Melbourne, from the Botanical Gardens 1867 {1891} SLV [PA]

Gritten, who arrived in Australia in 1853, produced a number of picturesque views of Melbourne and Victoria in the 1850s and 60s. His well-known 1856 watercolour of Melbourne from Prince’s Bridge was donated to the NGV in 1914.


For Gritten, see Kerr Dictionary (1992), pp.327-29 (entry by Jennifer Phipps); Cathy Leahy in Grant & Leahy On Paper (2003), p.34; SLV Art of the Collection (2007): refer Index; and Bunbury This Wondrous Land (2011), esp.pp.124-5 (entry by Humphrey Clegg), all with further references and reproductions. See also AKL 62 (2009), p.381 (entry by Daniel Thomas); and (Princes Bridge 1856; gift of John H.Connell, 1914). Further examples of Gritten’s work, acquired later, are held in both the NGV and SLV (refer online catalogues)